Comments on: To grey or not to grey? 40+ Style: Fashion, Style & Beauty inspiration + how to dress over 40 Wed, 07 Sep 2022 05:11:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gabriela Tue, 05 Oct 2021 02:35:53 +0000 In reply to Nikki.

I hear you – I am 51 with an 11-year old child so already I am older than many of my son’s friends’ moms. But although I’ve had to make some adjustments in colors/makeup, I think gray can look chic, especially when I add the occasional toner (I’ve gone gray/eggplant and gray/silver and steel gray…) and a good haircut. The toner, btw, does not leave me with a solid growth-line at the roots after two weeks, it simply fades into my natural gray. What decided ME a few years ago was standing in line behind a twenty-something who had dyed her (very long) hair entirely (silver) gray. Here I was spending time and money covering what she had clearly spent loads of time and money copying, lol!

By: Elaine Lascher Sun, 03 Oct 2021 13:42:17 +0000 I m made the shift to my natural color several years ago and wrote an article about it for 40 Plus Style. In the end my hair grew in as a soft brown with streaks on the side and some greying amongst the brown. Surprisingly my color has not changed much since then. All of the points in the article have been true for me including a shift in my wardrobe “colors” , eyebrows and lip color. I have never regretted my choice and have let go of trying to look younger. A youthful attitude is a better way to convey my style.
Covid time has driven many of my friends to stop coloring their hair and many more are grey or white now so I don’t feel negative about my aging process anymore. Cheers!

By: Nikki Sun, 03 Oct 2021 13:31:23 +0000 At age 48 with a 7 year old child I think if I went gray I would be mistaken for her grandmother which would probably bother me. The arguments for money and chemicals don’t apply to me as I dye my own hair using a henna hair dye with a rating of 1 through EWG. But the time issue is still there. For me I think it’s mostly vanity even though I don’t consider myself vain otherwise. Someday I will go gray, but I don’t expect that day to be any time soon.

By: Sheila Thomason Sun, 03 Oct 2021 12:39:37 +0000 In reply to Megan Smith.

I let my hair go grey during lockdown. It did not come through in the more modern looking grey but an awful dirty grey. My husband said it really aged me and he was right, it did. I have gone back to highlights and lowlights and feel so much better. So I’ve tried it but for now I shall keep on colouring my hair.

By: Melanie Cline Wed, 29 Sep 2021 19:01:35 +0000 In reply to Judi.

Thanks for that information, Judi! I had not heard of that before.

By: Melanie Cline Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:55:35 +0000 Years ago when I was teaching in Japanese high schools, I had two fifteen-year-old boy students whose dark hair was already noticeably shot with grey! That was really surprising to me, but it was obviously genetic.

I’ll have to let go of my auburn dye-addiction before too many more years, but my husband says “not yet”, especially as we can’t afford to retire and I’ll need to land a job when I finish my master’s program.

This blog and blogpost are for women, I know, but I’d like to add that my older husband, nearing 70, went grey as a young man, did the brown hair dye for decades, but now blends in a “natural gray coverage” coloring product for men, spending just a few minutes every few days, to give his hair and beard that variegated “George Clooney” look. It is amazing how much less of an “old man” vibe this gives him, over the pure white-could-play-Santa Claus look he has without it. It’s not mere vanity; he needs to stay employed in the tech sector for a few more years, and “ageism” is a real factor to consider. (He uses American Crew, recommended by a hairstylist, FWIW.)

By: Nancy Karpen Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:07:56 +0000 I had been dyeing my hair since I was 26. I started going gray when I was 19 or so. A few months before my 60th birthday I stopped dyeing it. I was pure white under the dye and it just didn’t hold the dye. It’s 11 years later and I have never regretted it. I love my white hair and I’ve had so many complements over the years and people think it makes me look younger. It was an expensive, time consuming pain to dye my hair; good riddance.

By: Judi Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:06:22 +0000 May I add a note of caution for some people? It appears that, in the UK at least, people who have had Covid are getting allergic reactions to hair dye when it hasn’t been a problem before. That’s even happened to someone who has coloured their hair many, many times before with the same product. Do an allergy test every time you colour your hair if you have had Covid would be good advice I think.

By: Bette Wed, 29 Sep 2021 14:16:24 +0000 There are so many clues to our age — skin tone, muscle tone, posture, weight, eyes, etc. I think we’re kidding ourselves if we believe dyeing our hair disguises our age. Sylvia, I think the gray lightens your face and is extremely flattering — I hope you’ll keep it!

By: Juluna Sun, 31 Jan 2021 15:40:53 +0000 In reply to Gina.

Like you, I decided to use the pandemic lockdown to go gray. I am 62 and have colored and highlighted my brunette hair for 20 years. I’m about 25% gray in small streaks. To prevent an obvious line from previous coloring, my stylist extended individual gray hairs through my shoulder length hair overall. I love it. My daughter-in-law calls it “cinnamon and sugar” vs salt and pepper.

I do think everyone should make the choice for themselves, but I love that it’s becoming more mainstream for women to embrace who they are.

By: EC Sun, 31 Jan 2021 10:09:30 +0000 I think the new color and cut look very good on you!

By: Dawn Sat, 30 Jan 2021 21:39:27 +0000 In reply to Jeannee.

Conditioner is the key. Put it on dry hair 20-30 minutes before you get in the shower to wash it. Dry hair soaks up more conditioner than when applied to wet hair (it goes not have to fight with the water). After washing wrap in a towel to pull out water spray in some leave in conditioner and add some oil heat protector. Comb all thru and style as normal. You will find your hair not as course and very manageable. I do this at least every other week.

By: Jane Sat, 30 Jan 2021 15:21:46 +0000 I decided to not colour my hair any more in my early 40s. I just didn’t want the chemicals any more. I love the freedom and the money I save. I want to look the age I am and take care of my body with nutrition and exercise. I read somewhere that people who are able to walk fast and upright look younger, so I’m making efforts in that direction!

By: Georgia Badamo Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:59:50 +0000 In reply to Sindy.

Sylvia, your hair looks great! I, too, am going Grey and having colored my hair since March, 2020. Low lights add depth to graying hair; I’m definitely trying it with my stylist.

By: Louise Dolloff Thu, 28 Jan 2021 04:30:58 +0000 I let my hair go gray after a reaction to the hair dye I was using, and I have not looked back. My silver strands are like highlights and look great. I have found I needed to lighten up the colors in my wardrobe as the years have gone by. My husband loves my natural hair color best also.
