Comments on: How to make thin hair look thicker 40+ Style: Fashion, Style & Beauty inspiration + how to dress over 40 Fri, 08 Jul 2022 17:42:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebecca Fri, 08 Jul 2022 17:42:10 +0000 If only people were more in touch with the ingredients in all these expensive products, they’d know they are hurting their hair and scalp far more than helping. SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), methylparabens, silicone–the list is pages long. Just like there is no magical shortcut to weight loss, taking care of your hair is no different than any other part of your body. Eat right and support it with the vitamins and minerals your body uses. If you insist on coloring it, blow drying it, back combing or teasing it and gunking up your follicles and scalp with harmful products designed to give you the illusion of what you don’t have (for a price!), be honest about the trade off you are engaged in and the damage you are willing to live with.

Ever wonder how women in the hundreds of years before the hair industry came along kept their hair gorgeous? One awesome trick for thinning hair is a basic, no crap ingredient dry shampoo: arrowroot starch. That’s it. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a lovely smell, if you want. It builds volume exponentially as the week goes on until it’s time to shampoo again. Put a small amount between your palms, rub it into your scalp and dry hair, then using a fluffy towel remove the excess, comb or brush your hair after and you are done. I inherited my mother’s baby fine, straight as a stick, droopy dandelion sad hair. In my 50s, managing diabetes and a wonky thyroid among other things, but you’d never know it. Everyone tells me I have a 30 year old’s skin, too. Because I take care of it from the inside out and don’t ruin what nature gave me by fueling the makeup industry’s execs and their trust fund offspring.

Don’t take my word for. Please. Just grab one of your hair care products and search the Internet for every single ingredient so you know what it is. Do the same with one of your make up items. Many ingredients in our every day products are banned in Europe due to the proven carcinogenic consequences of use (carcinogenic=cancer). Spend an hour or two and blow your mind.

By: No Fear of Fashion Thu, 07 Jul 2022 08:19:11 +0000 You are so right with every advice. When I just wash my hair and don’t do anything with it, it is a pathetic tiny bunch of hair. I adore my hairdresser, I use volume products (like the ones you advise), I backcombe my hair at the crown (is that called teasing?). Still, the biggest win is my hairdresser.
