Comments on: Why does 40+ style not feature ONLY women above 40? 40+ Style: Fashion, Style & Beauty inspiration + how to dress over 40 Tue, 06 Aug 2019 01:39:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fashion Omi Sat, 12 Oct 2013 14:07:30 +0000 so beautiful♥♥♥
greetings from germany

By: Sylvia Thu, 10 Oct 2013 04:46:20 +0000 In reply to Highland Fashionista.

Yes I agree. That is why it’s also important to understand your body type and to know what works for you. I see it as a challenge too to see what works for me. And yes, fashion should just be FUN!

By: Sylvia Thu, 10 Oct 2013 04:44:03 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

You make a very good point Lisa. Companies are of course interested in selling their products. If they discover that more people will buy it when it’s shown on young, thin models, then that is what they will continue to use. I’m not sure though if they have ever done any real tests with using older and shapelier models.

By: Sylvia Thu, 10 Oct 2013 04:40:50 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

What a great initiative! Thank you for the kind words about this blog!

By: Highland Fashionista Wed, 09 Oct 2013 19:22:59 +0000 This is the second of my fellow forty-plus bloggers sites that I have been on and commented on a thread had to have started with someone’s observation that not all of your women featured are forty or forty-plus. Personally, I feel it is a mistake to only look to one’s peer group for inspiration. Certainly, every woman of any age or size wants to look at fashion images and see something that she can relate to, but I think part of the fun (or the challenge, depending on how you look at it) of fashion is finding your own ability to see these images for yourself and identify what might work for you personally, which I believe is exactly what you are doing in showing these images to us.

I think it is a mistake to think that you have to change anything, or no longer engage with what is going on in mainstream fashion simply because one or two people can’t see around the model in the picture. Fashion is all about interpretation.

As for the skinny model thing…..this is an ongoing thread that seems to always pop up in fashion. Sure, there are plenty of models who are starving themselves for the runway, but how much of a societal impact does it really have? A recent study points to the fact that in 41 US states, the obesity rate makes up 25% of the population. In my own job practicing in a hospital, I can vouch for the fact that it is not self-starvation that is hampering the system. That is not a condemnation of anyone’s opinion, just a statistic. At the end of the day, I just think fashion can sometimes JUST be fashion, and does;t necessarily have to mean anything other than a fun medium of self-expression.

By: Amy Wed, 09 Oct 2013 13:37:26 +0000 In reply to Heather.

What thoughtful posts! I am feeling guilty, as I feel I may have inadvertently been one of the critical ones you are referring to. Just my (bad) way with words! Lorraine and Heather capture my feelings very well. It is hard to ‘translate’ from available media and that’s why I value this site so much. I look forward to reading all your content and seeing all your images. Thank you Sylvia!

By: Lisa Wed, 09 Oct 2013 11:24:17 +0000 I completely understand what you are saying. All of us inhabit a world of limitations. You do a good job threading your way through, Sylvia, or we wouldn’t keep reading.

I’m actually more concerned with one body type for showing off clothes than anything else. Not only the frightening and dangerous thinness of the models, but the total lack of curves. How can someone petite, or with hips or a large bust figure out what might look good on them from these models? I’m not saying all models must be “Plus sized” although there should be that too. I just would like to see some variety so I can figure out what works for me. In that sense, celebrity style is often more helpful than runway models because they are a shade closer to “normal.”

Part of the problem is also us. If all women over 40 (or larger than a size 0) intentionally shopped with brands that featured older models, or models that are a size 6 instead of a size 0, we’d create a demand for that sort of marketing. So part of the problem is our own complicity. Be the change you want to see in the world.

By: Sylvia Wed, 09 Oct 2013 03:31:00 +0000 In reply to Heather Fonseca.

Thanks Heather!

By: Sylvia Wed, 09 Oct 2013 03:30:10 +0000 In reply to Emily.

Thanks for your comment Emily. I love featuring the ‘older’ ladies too! Especially when they look as great as the lady above. Unfortunately, there are fewer women bloggers of that age although there are a few spectacular ones (like The Style Crone) and they tend to be more shy when sending images or wanting to be photographed. You are always welcome to send me your pictures or upload them to the style forum!

By: Heather Fonseca Wed, 09 Oct 2013 01:23:07 +0000 Sorry you’ve been getting complaints, but what a positive way to deal with your readers concerns! I think you do a great job balancing images of 40 and up bloggers and women with fashion industry approved models. Keep up the great work!

By: Emily Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:40:59 +0000 Thank you for posting the picture of the beautiful woman who is way over 40. I find that too often, women depicted on sites for us women of a certain age are barely into that group — say 42 or 43. I am in my early 60’s, wear a size 2, and love looking nice. My lifestyle is casual, so a lot of jeans, but no baggy mom jeans for me. Recently I decided to let my hair go natural, and as it is wavy I can hide the line. I am getting more compliments on my hair than ever before.

By: Heather Tue, 08 Oct 2013 18:40:40 +0000 In reply to Lorraine.

I agree with you Lorraine – there was never a point where I was 6 feet tall ! Not to mention size 0 …… to me, this is the best part of Sylvia’s blog: seeing what other “ordinary” women are wearing and what makes them stylish, and how to take the best of the fashion trends and interpret them into something wearable in daily life.

By: Rebecca Tue, 08 Oct 2013 15:39:48 +0000 There is a wonderful English style writer, Caryn Franklin, who also addresses this issue. She has developed a program called Diversity Now which goes into schools and tries to impact the fashion industry to show people of all colors, shapes and ages.

Your blog is a wonderful forum for those of us over 40 who want to look and feel great at this point in our lives. So you definitely are doing a great job and are making headway in addressing this important topic.

By: Sylvia Tue, 08 Oct 2013 14:56:26 +0000 In reply to Carla.

Thanks Carla. I will do my best. I will try and do more runway look ‘translation’ posts as they are fun and practical!

By: Sylvia Tue, 08 Oct 2013 14:54:58 +0000 In reply to The Style Crone.

Thanks Judith. You are one of my biggest inspirations!
