Comments on: Madonna, me and how we are supposed to age. What do you think? 40+ Style: Fashion, Style & Beauty inspiration + how to dress over 40 Fri, 26 Aug 2022 13:42:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sylvia Mon, 24 Dec 2012 04:30:10 +0000 In reply to Elizabeth.

Hi Elizabeth, yes I can imagine that would have been frustrating. My point with this post was really that you don’t HAVE to work out, but that every woman can decide so for themselves. We should certainly not be judged whether we do or we don’t. Thanks for leaving your feedback!

By: Elizabeth Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:15:01 +0000 In reply to thefashionistachic.

While I understand saying things like “It’s only 30 minutes a day, every other day” doesn’t sound like very much, for some people, that’s genuinely more time than they have. When I was a stay-at-home mom with a toddler and an infant and no childcare, sleeping 4 non-consecutive hours a night, I did NOT have an extra 30 minutes in my day. Anywhere. If I had, I would have taken a nap. (And yes, I tried to come up with creative ways to work out with the kids in tow. Never found anything that worked.) Would I have been healthier, physically and mentally, if I’d been getting a little exercise? Absolutely. And now that they’re a little older I work out almost every day and I am absolutely reaping the benefits. But when people used to say things to me like, “Oh, you just have to find the time,” it used to make me cry.

By: Sylvia Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:36:50 +0000 In reply to Sleepless in Perth.

Well said. I will keep doing my best to make this an inspiring website for women.
It seems you are very passionate about this topic. If you want to write a whole article on this subject (being the best you can be and going after your passions), you could always submit it to me and I can see if I can publish it on the blog! You may also be interested in this article: which was written by one of my readers as well.

By: Sleepless in Perth Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:14:27 +0000 You’re welcome, Sylvia 🙂 I love your positive attitude and hope you keep inspiring women. Only women give women a hard time – which is a shame. It’s hard being a woman. Harder to be a wonderful woman. My hope is that through blogs like yours, more women can finally understand that they are worth it, that it takes hard work to be and to look wonderful but they just can’t keep knocking it before they even try it because they must understand that if they don’t put any work into anything, then they get nothing. As the saying goes, if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. It is a shame so many women are not permitted by society, cultural restriction and friends and family to dream if becoming fantastic in every way. What a wasted life to sit around and not try to improve yourself. The first step is to dream and if they don’t allow themselves to do that, then they can’t take the next step which is dream into action. Madonna or anyone fabulous can be the role model and women must understand that Madonna is nothing really special but she’s where she is and what she is through positive thinking, dreaming big, focussing on her dreams and goals and most importantly she’s put in the hard work. If only more women can see they are also capable of doing all this, there would be more fabulous and confident and wonderful women out there and less of the negative ones who just criticise other women and never improve themselves or their lives. Women who want to be loved by a man must understand that if they don’t try to be the best and put themselves first (like Madonna does), a man will never treat them that way either. And which woman doesn’t want a man or their husband to treat them as the best and put them first? 🙂

By: Sylvia Tue, 18 Dec 2012 01:22:16 +0000 In reply to Sleepless in Perth.

Thanks for your feedback. I especially like your last sentence. So true!

By: Sleepless in Perth Mon, 17 Dec 2012 18:15:29 +0000 This is a very sad reflection on how negative and sceptical women still are in this day and age (no pun intended). This is the year 2012. Science and research has proven a lot, and many people have proven so many other things too. Narrow-mindedness and restrictive thinking will always prove to be a failure in anything you endeavour. Why not have Madonna as a role model? Why not be a sex-bomb at 50? The reason most women are against the idea is that they were NEVER sexy even at the age of 20 and they KNOW if they can’t be sexy at 20, there’s no way in hell they can dream of being sexy at 50. So they criticise, judge and lecture others. Instead of admiring, supporting and applauding sexy and beautiful women. This is not about Madonna at any age or about ageing women. It’s all about women not being comfortable in their own skin to actually accept there are so many other more sexy, beautiful and wonderful women than they are. It’s a self-esteem issue. Whenever you find women talking about holding a man’s attention by physical appearance or youth, you know they are not and have never been truly loved. Girls, let it all go. Love yourselves and then you’ll find your beauty and sexiness naturally. Be the best you can be – it’s very hard work, but really you are worth it! Love yourselves and enjoy life to the fullest. Don’t you deserve the best? Once you permit yourself the chance of dreaming to be Madonna, you will understand that it’s not about ideals but about having and being the best with what you already have and that’s the only way to being the most wonderful woman you could ever be!

By: Sylvia Sat, 11 Aug 2012 02:46:18 +0000 In reply to Genie Harris.

Hi Genie, this is a very thoughtful response and I can totally see what you mean. I visited her latest concert and she put a lot of emphasis on the whole ‘sexy’ thing, even stripping on stage. So I can see your point about her needing to accept her age more, while at the same time I still admire her fitness. I think you are right that she looked more at peace with herself a few years ago. I love what you say: “Madonna is at her essence sexy.. why layer on all the ‘stuff’, just be.” If she did that, she could be be and look even more powerful.

By: Genie Harris Fri, 10 Aug 2012 20:38:55 +0000 The reason I get frustrated with Madonna is because she is a beautiful, and intelligent woman, who appears to be unable to let go of her youth. I applaud her for staying fit, but I am disappointed in her and so many others in Hollywood who homogenize themselves into something that looks like a resemblance of themselves at 20 or 30. If we are ever to change the perceptions of women aging as a graceful and acceptable (which men are allowed to do) process then the madness has to stop.

I look at Meryle Streep, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a few others out there who are fit and beautiful…but, yes, they are aging, and accepting it. You can see lines, graying hair, and an intelligence in them that is brightly radiating through their smiles. And they seem to be working and winning awards, I think that says something.

Remember “Something’s Gotta Give” with Diane Keaton? She looked fit and wonderful, and the whole premise of the movie had to do with finding love at an older age. Diane Keaton in the movie is obviously unbotoxed. Helen Hunt also did not follow the Hollywood model of removing every trace of aging. The movie “Soul Surfer” shows Helen bikini clad and fit, but no overdone breasts, and she looks amazing. My daughters are young teens now and they saw that performance with Madonna at the Super Bowl. They both looked at each other and said “Ewwwww”, “why is she doing this???” All of the friends took to twitter baffled by the performance. My girls do not understand why she is TRYING so hard to be sexy. My opinion is that Madonna is at her essence sexy…why layer on all the “stuff”, just be.

When I saw Madonna on a magazine spread a few years ago she seemed to look much more at peace. She was living in England and had all these beautiful vintage clothes on, and she looked radiant. She also looked wonderful in Ray of Light, an album she did and you could see was aging and she looked great. So it is not so much for me the fact that she is fit and fabulous, it is the look of her now that disheartens me and makes me think “Geez this super powerful woman could stop buying into this madness, and be a pioneer in allowing the women of our generation and beyond the power to age with grace and dignity”. Of course, I respect everyone’s opinion here, and do not want to denigrate Madonna in anyway, she has a lot to live up to. Many are absolutely right about the health benefits of Madonna’s lifestyle. However, we have a soul, spirit….we have energy and matter….these things come through in performances and interviews. Nothing says sexy more than “self awareness”.

By: Sylvia Tue, 31 Jul 2012 09:52:00 +0000 In reply to notgoinggently.

Excellent feedback. Thanks. Totally agree!

By: notgoinggently Tue, 31 Jul 2012 06:24:40 +0000 Staying fit as you age isn’t just about vanity, it’s about your overall health. Middle Age is the wrong time to just “let yourself go,” unless being a frail, elderly person living in a nursing home appeals to you. Working out helps slow the aging process. From WebMD:

“At this age, you get a widening of the field, as it were,” James Pawelczyk, an associate professor of physiology at Penn State University. “People who have been taking care of themselves are relatively insulated from those [aging] changes compared with those who haven’t.”

Madonna’s exercise and diet both play a role. By mixing cardiovascular activity, strength training, and flexibility exercises, she has minimized her risk of heart disease, preserved her bone density, and likely reduced her risk of breast cancer.

By: How to dress for a Madonna concert Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:01:40 +0000 […] was amazed by both Madonna’s energy and appearance. I previously had a nice discussion on Madonna and how we are supposed to age at this site, so will not go much detail about that here, but suffice to say, that I personally am […]

By: Sylvia Sat, 28 Apr 2012 05:09:06 +0000 In reply to notgoinggently.

Thanks for your feedback. Very true. So long as we do it for ourselves and not to please others I believe. But every woman should choose for themselves what feels right for her, for sure.

By: notgoinggently Fri, 27 Apr 2012 22:18:26 +0000 What strikes me is this belief that somehow the way a particular woman decides to age should even be up for discussion. Or that wanting to continue being healthy and looking desirable (the side effect of which is often looking younger and fresher) is somehow wrong. Even if Madonna did start her training at 40 and even if she was/is doing it to keep looking young, so what? Young women look good, young women get attention, older women who look young keep their husband’s attention longer, older women who look younger feel better and are healthier. And the problem is? Who among us does not want to be as healthy and look as good as she can for as long as she can? Call it trying hard, or chasing your youth, or trying to “compete” with your daughter, etc., so what. I don’t care if people say that about me, bring it out. More often than not, it’s jealousy because there’s nobody who does not want to continue looking youthful and being healthy and living a fun life instead of laying down and waiting for death. When you give up on health, on fashion on sex appeal and all that for fear of what others will say, you have in effect given up on your life and are simply waiting passively to die. No thanks for me.

By: Sylvia Sun, 22 Apr 2012 12:59:27 +0000 In reply to sandra1345.

Thanks for your story Sandra and good to read you are in such good shape again!

By: sandra1345 Sun, 22 Apr 2012 12:30:48 +0000 I’ve never cared for Madonna even though I was a teen when she became a worldwide star. But I admire her being fit and radiant much better than I am in my 36th year.
I’d stopped exercising for three years in my early thirties when I had a health problem because of my stressful doctor life. Now I am again on the health train, I ski, I swim, I dive, I hike every two months. I exercise on Weekends. I eat less than before as I am approaching 40 in 3 years. I have thermage every few months to slow down skin aging. I really feel great, like I”m 28 years old again.. However my fitness and heath dragged a huge number of jealous and envious looks and that was above all my expectations. The nurses and other older or even younger colleagues are annoying me… But I don’t care… I am planning to stay like this till eighty. Since my health problem that lasted 3 years I promised myself again to not to work so much and to travel not only for sightseeing but to exercise in mountains, rivers and oceans…. Love you all… No numbers please ☺
